
Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2019

Technical Overview of the CLR

This time I'm going to talk about an article named Technical Overview of the Common Language Runtime" the author of this article is Erik Meijer and Kim Miller, explained how some language researchers moved to JVM as a type of delivery vehicle for their language. As we have seen in past classes is a really good target for Java programming, but also we have seen that JVM is not for all programming languages. Also Erik and Kim introduce us to Microsoft .NET Common Language Infrastructure, designed to be a multilanguage platform. As expected the authors are employees of Microsoft or members as far as we know the have Microsoft emails. They will try to talk only good things about their product and also they will try to compare it with their competence. They talk to us about the pros of CLI I never saw the bad things that may occur while using CLI. I would love to see a comparison outside Microsoft. I really like comparisons in Youtube and they talk with the truth and nothing but ...

Building Server-Side Web Language Processors

Once again the author of this article was our professor Ariel Ortiz, in his article "Building Server-Side Web Language Processors", in first hand it tries to explain if it's possible to build a language processor in a web environment, and the huge importance of adapting our work to a web interface and some other important areas to be considered when you're trying to do this, mainly because it can get tricky. As I stated above it can get very tricky, so developing a language processor for the web has a lot of challenges involved that you are not aware of. One example that it's declared in the article it's the handling of the HTTP, adaptability, security, etc. However, there are many tools and techniques to prevent this huge issue.  The strategies settled for our professor are the next ones: * Program your own server * Build everything over web technology already used and known * Use the Common Gateway Interface These mentioned just a few moments ago h...